Has anyone been able to figure out yet what is up with Michaele and Tareq Salahi?
We all know about the White House party-crashing, their problems with The View and a host of other controversies. And then last night…
We learned on The Real Housewives of Washington, D.C. that they allegedly weaseled their way into the Congressional Black Caucus dinner.
"There's no level of embarrassment that they will not stoop to," fellow Housewife Stacie Scott Turner told me earlier today. "I just don't get it."
Last night's episode also featured a trip to the Salahis' winery, where Stacie, Michaele and Mary Schmidt Amons did their best I Love Lucy and climbed into a barrel to stomp on grapes to make wine.
Not only were there bodyguards stationed around the property because of some legal feud Tareq has had with his own mother, but the full-cup-of-crazy couple apparently bought the grapes from a store because the vineyard hadn't been operational in who knows how long.
"Once we were there, we were like 'OK, this is so crazy we need to go along with it,' " Stacie laughed. "What we didn't know is that real wine-making grapes, I guess, have really thin skins so you can get the juice out of them. So here we are stomping and there's no juice coming out!"
Asked if she still hangs out with the Salahis, Stacie laughed, "No."
"I didn't know them at all before we started filming," she said. "And then over time, progressively in each episode, more and more stuff is not adding up. More and more stuff sounds crazy…Everything is just bananas."
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