90210's Teddy may not be ready to come out of the closet yet, but Trevor Donovan is more than ready to open up about his character's journey, which takes another interesting turn tonight (8/7c, The CW) at a beach-club event.
TV Guide Magazine: This story line has really nailed the struggle many teens face regarding their sexuality.
Donovan: I agree 100 percent. It focuses on Teddy's inner turmoil and denial. From friends who have gone through this, that first step [toward acceptance] is often the hardest one. You have to accept yourself before you can be comfortable telling other people.
TV Guide Magazine: So what's the next step?
Donovan: He's beginning to realize where his unhappiness comes from. He's not being true to himself. He's lost, he's confused, he feels alone...Ian [Kyle Riabko] is the only one who knows his secret. It will be a slow process, but he'll be the one Teddy confides in.
TV Guide Magazine: You do realize that most folks would assume Teddy was gay anyway, since no straight man has that body.
Donovan: [Laughs] But I am a straight man with this body, so I guess he does exist!
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