Wednesday, December 1, 2010

{alltv} Dancing Hot to Trot for Another Palin

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Perhaps it's time for Dancing With the Palins?

It's only been a week since Bristol Palin retired her dancing shoes, but I'm told…

Producers are already hot to sign her dad, Todd (aka Mr. Sarah Palin), for next season.

"They want him big time," a source reveals. "They'd love Sarah, but they don't think that will ever happen, so why not go for the dad."

Despite  the Tea Party conspiracy controversy that surrounded Bristol's success on the show—not to mention the mystery white powder and supposed death threats—producers think Todd will be "ratings gold," says the source.

No word yet if the former First Dude of Alaska has been approached by producers or ABC.

Also on the producers' political wish list are John McCain's daughter, Meghan, and Elliot Spitzer, the former hooker-lovin' governor of New York who now cohosts a talk show on CNN.

A rep for DWTS says there would be "no comment" on any casting rumors before the final lineup is revealed next season.

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