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Brad Womack is returning for another shot at true love on The Bachelor starting Monday (ABC, 8/7c), and he promises that this time around he'll actually choose somebody in the finale. With the help of host Chris Harrison and Womack himself, here are a few things viewers can expect from the new season.
A Buff Brad
Sure, any Bachelor should be somewhat telegenic and physically fit, but the introverted Womack, 38, will show us that he's not at all shy about his buff body. "The rule with Brad is he could not have his shirt on more than 30 percent of the time," Harrison jokes. "It's an incredibly sexy season."
More Women
Jake Pavelka had 20 women vying for his heart and Bachelorette's Ali Fedotwosky had 25, but Brad is a lucky man, with a whopping 30 contestants grasping for a rose. Although producers planned to also have 25 women in contention for Womack's attention this season, Harrison says they needed to up the ante — and the show's running time. "We've added episodes and gone to two hours of late. It helps us fill some voids and make it more compelling."
Contestants have done some interesting things to get the Bachelor's attention, but this year one woman, Madison, freaks out the Bachelor with her winning smile — complete with fang orthodontia. "She was very attached to them, both literally and figuratively," Womack says. "Everyone ... is going to be like, 'She has fangs! Of course you're going to let her go!'" Harrison adds. But not so fast: It seems that Madison's bark is very different than her bite.
A Happy Ending
Harrison says you'll have to wait for the finale to see if there's a proposal, but Womack makes it clear that there is a happy ending: "I did find somebody, I did fall in love ... a true love story happened."
Check back on Tuesday for an exclusive video interview with Brad Womack.
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