Thursday, June 30, 2011

{alltv} Live at So You Think You Can Dance: You'll Never Guess Who Was K-I-S-S-I-N-G!! - Student Cards- 728 x 90 

It's never a dull moment at So You Think You Can Dance. Wednesday night's performance show was no different except for all that kissing going on! From our seat behind the judges' table, we saw the super smooch-off between contestants and judges that had the whole audience screaming!

So who was locking lips, and who got named the power couples of the competition?

Summer is a season of love, and love was definitely in the air at Wednesday night's performance show. While almost all the dancers knocked it out of the ballpark with their technical abilities and emotional connections, Melanie Moore and Marko Germar had jaws dropping and screams reaching ear-piercing levels when their Nappytabs lyrical hip-hop routine included a passionate liplock! It was just the beginning of a chain of mouth-to-mouth at the judges' table and backstage!

While judge Lil' C deemed them a power couple and Nigel Lythgoe said they were the two to beat, Marko and Melanie's kissing connection got the better of Nigel who turned to Mary Murphy for a mini makeout session! Not to be outdone, guest judge Kristin Chenoweth turned her mouth to Lil' C's for some smooching. Nigel didn't want to be left out and jumped from his chair to kiss Lil' C on the cheek before cutting to commercial. Then we caught Ricky Jaime giving partner Ryan Ramirez a peck on the cheek before their performance, and it turns out there was even more kissing going on behind the scenes!

"It went on backstage as well," Ricky told us. "We were in the holding room, and we all kissed each other because we were inspired by her [Melanie Moore] and the judges."

So was it all platonic, or was there something more going on backstage?

"Who knows?!" Rick teased.

While Sasha Mallory and Alexander Fost kicked off the show with a contemporary number followed by Mitchell Kelly and Caitlynn Lawson's spicy salsa routine that almost brought the hot tamale train, it wasn't enough to put them on the power couple pedestal with Ricky and Ryan whose contemporary piece made Lil' C burst with excitement.

"You guys are a power couple in this competition," he said. "This is uncanny, unbelievable."

When we caught up with Melanie, Marko, Ryan and Ricky after the show, they weren't too fazed by the comments, but admitted it is very inspiring and just a little daunting.

"It's kind of intimidating because [Melanie and Marko] are amazing, and we have to live up to their [the judges'] expectations," Ricky said. "Being the power couples, we inspire each other and it's awesome to hear that from Nigel, Mary and everyone."

"I think it definitely is really inspiring," Melanie said. "I don't think I would want to be called a power couple with anybody else but them [Ricky and Ryan] because they are absolutely a huge inspiration for us and just to know that they called us a power couple last week, and they hadn't called anybody that and when they called them that, and they are one of our biggest inspirations as a couple, it pushes Marko and I to keep going."

Two more contestants go home tomorrow night and it's anyone's guess who it will be! 

Who are you voting for? Do you think Melanie, Marko, Rick and Ryan are the couples to beat? Which contestant do you want to kiss?


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