Sunday, July 31, 2011

{alltv} 'Bang' star Rauch a wanted woman

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If you've been following True Blood, you'll agree that now would be a good time for Melissa Rauch's character Summer to show up again.

But alas, Hoyt's former girlfriend isn't back on True Blood this season.

"It didn't work out scheduling-wise," Rauch said.

Of course, Rauch had a great excuse for being busy.

Her role as Bernadette on The Big Bang Theory has continued to get bigger and bigger. Rauch now is a full-time cast member on The Big Bang Theory -- the most popular show in Canada -- which returns for its fifth season Sept. 22 on CBS and CTV.

"I started as a guest-star and it was supposed to be a one-time thing," recalled Rauch, a 31-year-old New Jersey native. "I was thrilled when I just got to come back a few times.


"This is the first time I've had regular work other than waitressing, so it's very exciting."

Actually, showrunners keep seeing something in Rauch.

Her role on True Blood -- which currently is airing its fourth season Sundays on HBO Canada -- was supposed to be a one-time thing, too. But her polite-but-creepy take on Summer led to a half-dozen appearances last year.

"I went to school with some girls like (Summer), so I drew from experience," Rauch said with a laugh.

As for The Big Bang Theory, Rauch's Bernadette and Mayim Bialik's Amy Farrah Fowler have swelled a snug main cast of five to a super seven without anything feeling forced.

Bernadette has become ensconced as the girlfriend of Howard Wolowitz, played by Simon Helberg. Rauch recalled a specific moment on the show, which is filmed before a live studio audience, when she realized her character had been accepted by the most rabid fans.

"It was the episode where Howard moved in with Bernadette, after originally he said his mother would come and live with us, and I said, 'Choose me or your mother,' " Rauch said. "When Howard showed up at Bernadette's doorstep and said, 'I choose you,' we totally weren't expecting it, I was about to say the next line and the audience erupted in applause.

"Simon and I looked at each other. It was such a special moment. We just held it a minute. I got the chills."

The reaction was significant, because add-on characters such as Bernadette can go either way. Rauch pointed to a later episode when Bernadette was talking down to Howard and the studio audience balked.

"There was a line that was just a little too hard-hitting, and I think I also delivered it a little too hard, and the audience got very protective of Howard," Rauch said. "They didn't like to see Bernadette that cutting or condescending.

"So Chuck (Lorre, co-creator) said, 'Let's tweak that, they don't like it.' Within seconds, he had a tiny little tweak that got a huge laugh."

Ultimately, Rauch and the writing team on The Big Bang Theory have found the right tone for Bernadette.

Rauch will be missed on True Blood, but hey, there aren't many actresses who are equally at home with vampires and geeks.

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