"Glee" fans, we've got good news... and we've got bad news.
Bad news first, obviously. Chord Overstreet's option to stay with the show as a series regular has not been picked up. As TVLine was first to report, there is a chance that Overstreet could return on a guest-star basis. Overstreet expressed rather cryptic disappointment on Friday afternoon when he tweeted, "well its been a good yr too bad its over, time for summer and starting fresh."
Luckily, Overstreet won't be twiddling his thumbs for long. Once he finishes up the "Glee" tour, he's gung-ho to start working on his solo album.
We have to admit, we're pretty bummed about this news. Overstreet's character was frequently comedic relief, but Sam developed some depth toward the end of the season as his family and background were further explored. Plus, in a rather cliffhanger-y moment in the season finale, it was revealed that he and Mercedes (Amber Riley) were secretly in a relationship.
Okay, ready for the good news? As was to be expected, everyone's favorite Warbler, Darren Criss, has been upgraded to series regular status. Could this mean that he'll be leaving Dalton Academy and joining the New Directions? Hmmm.
Harry Shum has also been upgraded to series regular, which is definitely great for those of us who love the something extra that his slick dance moves bring to the performance numbers.
Still... we'll miss you, Sam Evans. Especially your hair.
What do you think about this double-whammy?
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