Friday, January 14, 2011

{alltv} Don't Mess With Patti Stanger--Millionaire Matchmaker Dater Ordered to Shut His Mouth Logo 

Patti Stanger had promised to sic her lawyers on the blabbing Millionaire Matchmaker dater who bashed her. And how.

Doug Kepanis, a New York divorce lawyer who appeared on the most recent season of the reality love show and then groused about it to the New York Post, has now been sent a letter by NBC attorneys.

Their message: Shut your whine hole.

Kepanis had complained to the Post that he was dropped as a legal expert from TruTV due to his unflattering portrayal on Matchmaker, adding that his business slowed greatly since the show aired and that he was no longer getting calls for his services.

Stanger immediately fought back, telling E! News the story was "all lies" and insisting there are no editing tricks involved to make contestants appear any different from who they are.

She also told us that all participants had to sign NDAs.

"He is under contract with Bravo," Stanger confirmed to us yesterday. "They can't talk about it."

Now comes word that lawyers at Bravo's parent network, NBC, have fired off a cease-and-desist letter to Kepanis ordering him to stop griping about his experiences or potentially face a breach-of-contract lawsuit.

Stanger also said the same goes for Brooklyn millionaire Jason Teich, who was shown downing drinks on Matchmaker then complained in the Post that producers "fed" them to him while Stanger labeled him an alcoholic. ("He brought his own beer to set and was drinking," she told us.)

Looks like Kepanis, at least, learned his lesson. When the Post reached out to him to discuss the lawerly letter, this time he only offered a "no comment."

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